26 August 2015

Hapara Workspace

I had my first view of the Hapara Workspace in a webinair with Lenva Shearing tonight. I always love how clearly she takes us through these platforms at such a fast space. I am looking forward to sharing this feature with the team but am still wondering which learners will benefit most from this tool and structure. It has the potential to be a very practical task board but it is important to re-think some of the secondary school features/ management of tasks. 

  • beta mode with new features being added weekly: bits of it are sometimes broken.
  • workspaces is the big container that makes up the whole
  • columns 4 in every plus cards added = goals, cards/ resources, activities, rubrics ( not ready to go yet… can simply include a link if needed. the rubric maker is coming…)
  • The activities can include a link or just an instruction. Smartshare is initiated by the student when they click on the link in the learning activity.
  • Start date is when the card is available therefore you can hide the cards and stagger the dates that cards are released. Due date - when the task is due to be completed.
  • Can add co-teachers to workspaces - a collaborative space.
  • make workspace visible by publishing. The students need to access the workspace by going to mystudentdashboard.com and log in with their log in
  • Children can add resources for the rest of her group.
  • They can also add their own work to the cards - only the teacher sees.
  • student clicks on link and and the doc goes to drive. On her card, it shows that work has been started and when finished she can submit.
  • When a piece of work is submitted - the child loses editing rights while the teacher marks it. The teacher marks it and the work is copied when it is returned. The original is kept as a copy so that there is a record of what the child has submitted.
  • Can see activity and whether children have visited the workspace. Changes occur on the card and on the overview summary.
  • Icons attach…. 10 icons and colours - so you can tag activities to resources. You can ask children to tag 4 of the red rocket tasks and 2 of the yellow stars.
  • Whole school unit - every class is a different group
  • unpublished workspaces - edit, delete
  • libraries and sharing

Self pace module - https://sites.google.com/a/hapara.com/hapara-workspace/
                             - https://sites.google.com/a/hapara.com/pd-module-2/ 
Google Group -  https://plus.google.com/communities/113914853889094994008

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