31 March 2015

Assessment and Communicating Learning

Ideally, I like to think that there can be an approach to assessment that is ingrained in the culture of learning and has an iterative approach. The Eutopia of this for me would involve timely conversations with parents rather than the traditional bi-annual event.  

There are 5 elements crucial to an effective assessment the measuring of understanding.  These include self-assessment and peer-assessment, feedback for learning, and clear communication of performance criteria and the curation/ eliciting of evidence. 

The key is to assess FOR learning as opposed to assessing OF learning. This involves a shift from a test of some kind which involves evaluation to a more focussed reflection of both process and understanding.   This kind of approach will certainly give us a clear approach of understanding but with effective, organic use, it will also inform us of the learning including forward planning and next steps as well as how we may measure future learning. 

I am keen to look further in authentic, challenge-based types of assessment. These require the learner to apply their learning and transfer knowledge and skills to a range of situations. The trick will be to ensure that the data gathered provides us with enough information to move forward. At the end of the day, the assessment will only be useful if it informs the learner, their family and the mentor with "What's Next?"

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