Personal learning/ Aspects of teaching/leadership that I hope to strengthen and develop
Currently being in a new school that just managed to open for learning in time on the 9th of February leaves me feeling somewhat overwhelmed about setting a goal. There is so much that I want to achieve this year! I guess the big picture includes developing my leadership skills so that I am able to lead the team to build the culture and vision of our school so that is a living thing in our conversations, actions and the day to day running of our school. That’s way too big to measure and even I will confess, it is probably going to take a little longer that just this year….
Therefore, I think my main goal will be based around teaching, learning and assessment. (Still pretty big, I know!) More specifically, I want to work on developing a culture of learning that engages children and their families, allows for agency and self-direction and is ubiquitous. Engagement to me is key to success and this includes the role of the children’s families. I want the team to develop assessment that the learners actually ‘own’ and a reporting to parents system that is engaging and authentic. This needs to become something that is owned and valued by the children and their families. After all, each teacher/ mentor that works with the child is simply a very small piece of what is explicitly an individual’s learning. I believe that to ensure that this begins to happen in our school, we need to really develop the culture of learning so that it is visible and explicit in everything we do. We will need a language of learning. We will need to develop a self awareness in our children so they can monitor and talk about their own progress.
Along with the shared responsibilities as a member of the SLT, I have responsibilities for the following:
- Core curriculum leadership: Mathematics/ Literacy leadership
- Assessment leadership
- Maori/Pasifika achievement
- Maori/Pasifika liaison with community.
- Kapahaka
- Staff professional learning co-ordination
- eLearning co-ordination
- Appraisal co-ordination
I believe these most of these responsibilities can be woven through my learning goal. By doing so, I am likely to keep looking at the big picture of leadership and maintain true to the vision and learning values of our school.
How will these be achieved and what evidence will I have?
- There will be explicit, on-going learning conversations between, children, their teachers/mentors and their families.
- Reporting to parents will meet the needs and the demands of the learner and their family (this will include cultural and diversity needs).
- Assessment will be student led and owned.
- At the point of Eutopia, reporting to parents will be on-going based on demand from the learner and his/ her family.
What I hope will change in your leadership practice as a result...
Developing my leadership skills with a focus on coaching towards a shared vision. The development of a sustainable reporting system is dependent on leading/ coaching teachers to collaborate to develop a shared pedagogy and language.
What impact on student experiences of learning do I hope to observe? Evidence? will you have of this impact? Impact for priority learner students?
Student voice and observations will gather evidence over time of children developing ownership of their learning, the awareness of their next learning steps and their ability to talk about the progress they have made. Community/ whanau voice and feedback re their engagement and involvement in their child(ren)’s learning. There will be an analysis of the priority learning groups including Maori/ Pasifika and target learning groups.
What impact on student learning outcomes (especially for priority learners) might be observed? How will I collect this evidence?
We do not have access to any past longitudinal data so the data gathered at this stage is our baseline. The data will include attitudinal and level of achievement. Student/ whanau voice will be gathered around awareness of learning and the progress they are making. I expect/ hope to see a direct correlation between a rise in attitude and a child’s awareness of the progress being made. I also expect to see increased engagement and understanding of the learning from the child’s whanau.
To develop my leadership skills with a focus on coaching teachers towards developing practices that reflect our shared vision. The development of a sustainable reporting system is dependent on leading/ coaching teachers to collaborate to develop a shared pedagogy and language.
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You want to do this … through…so that it leads to…
Knowledge / skills / practical considerations / support
Knowledge / skills / practical considerations / support
Time / people / resources / support
How will you know you have achieved your goals?
For the team to develop a collective/ shared vision for reporting to parents. This will include our beliefs, principles and practices.
New team with a blank slate and the awesome vision: “Creating a Climate of Possibility!”
New team in a new school = cognitive overload.
Past experiences/ influences/ traditional practices
Team Professional Learning Meetings
Developing a shared BPP
Reporting/ assessment practices reflect the team’s principles and beliefs.
To involve the community in the development and progress of our reporting system so that they are engaged in their child’s learning.
Able to set up survey in forms.
Have conducted community surveys, collated and reported back on results previously.
Need to develop community trust by being transparent and acting on their feedback.
Relationships are very positive in this new community.
A lot of our families will base their perspectives on their own schooling and what they know of current practice in local schools.
Community Survey, analysis and reporting back.
Engagement of whanau; this will include evidence of whanau of our priority learners being engaged.
To coach teachers to develop a shared, collaborative practice that it reflects our BPPs around both assessment and reporting to parents.
My eFellowship inquiry: developing agentic learners and the impact of increasing devices.
Iterative inquiries have included
-developing co-constructed learning paths,
-children monitoring their own progress,
-children owning their assessments including summative and being able to speak to them, child choice re learning, workshops,etc.
-collaborative/ MLE practices in my past school.
We need to develop a common language to be used by the children, the teachers/ mentors and our families.
New team in a new school = cognitive overload.
To develop my own coaching skills.
Be clear of our BPPs and ensure that coaching is centred around these.
Team Professional Learning Meetings
Developing a shared BPP
Day to day practices and programmes are a working evidence that our BPPs re assessment and reporting are a part of our culture.