5 February 2015

It's Happened! We Are Here!

What a magical milestone today was. We had all of our Day 1 learners and their families come to school for a bit of a transition session followed by a barbecue and a social gathering. We have opened with approximately 91 children in Years 0-4 and 7 mentors working in 2 learning habitats! We are here!

To help the children settle into the learning environment we relied on their parents taking their own child(ren) around the school on a sort of self-directed tour. Hopefully, this has helped the children familiarise themselves with the spaces in readiness for Monday. It was wonderful to stand back and watch the learning spaces get 'activated' and to see the vision begin to unfold.

I was in awe of the excitement, enthusiasm and support shown by the parents. They showed a real appreciation for the work done so far and the newness of Shotover School. They were keen to meet not only their children's "Go-To Mentor" but also the other Mentors that their children would be working with each day. They were buzzing just as much as the mentors themselves and the children. 

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